Hidalgo K., Laparie M., Bical R., Larvor V., Bouchereau A., Siaussat D. & Renault D., 2013. Metabolic fingerprinting of the responses to salinity in the invasive ground beetle Merizodus soledadinus at the Kerguelen Islands. Journal of Insect Physiology, 59:91-100
Hidalgo K., Laparie M., Bical R., Larvor V., Bouchereau A., Siaussat D. & Renault D., 2013. Metabolic fingerprinting of the responses to salinity in the invasive ground beetle Merizodus soledadinus at the Kerguelen Islands. Journal of Insect Physiology, 59:91-1002018-02-212018-02-21https://especes-envahissantes-outremer.fr/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/logo-uicn-reeeom.pngEspèces Envahissantes Outre-merhttps://especes-envahissantes-outremer.fr/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/logo-uicn-reeeom.png200px200px