Loope, L. L., Hughes, F. & Meyer, J.-Y., 2013. Plant invasions in protected areas of tropical Pacific Islands, with special reference to Hawaii. Pp. 313-348. In L.C. Foxcroft et al. (eds.), Plant Invasions in Protected Areas: Patterns, Problems and Challenges, Invading Nature – Springer Series in Invasion Ecology 7, DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-7750-7_1
Loope, L. L., Hughes, F. & Meyer, J.-Y., 2013. Plant invasions in protected areas of tropical Pacific Islands, with special reference to Hawaii. Pp. 313-348. In L.C. Foxcroft et al. (eds.), Plant Invasions in Protected Areas: Patterns, Problems and Challenges, Invading Nature – Springer Series in Invasion Ecology 7, DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-7750-7_12018-02-212018-02-21https://especes-envahissantes-outremer.fr/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/logo-uicn-reeeom.pngEspèces Envahissantes Outre-merhttps://especes-envahissantes-outremer.fr/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/logo-uicn-reeeom.png200px200px