Pouteau, R., Meyer J.-Y. & Stoll, B. (2011). A SVM-based model for predicting the distribution of the invasive tree Miconia calvescens in tropical rainforests. Ecological Modelling 222: 2631-2641.
Pouteau, R., Meyer J.-Y. & Stoll, B. (2011). A SVM-based model for predicting the distribution of the invasive tree Miconia calvescens in tropical rainforests. Ecological Modelling 222: 2631-2641.2018-02-212018-07-13https://especes-envahissantes-outremer.fr/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/logo-uicn-reeeom.pngEspèces Envahissantes Outre-merhttps://especes-envahissantes-outremer.fr/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/logo-uicn-reeeom.png200px200px