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Baret, S., Maurice, S., Le Bourgeois, T., & Strasberg, D. (2004). Altitudinal variation in fertility and vegetative growth in the invasive plant Rubus alceifolius Poiret (Rosaceae), on Reunion island. Plant Ecology, 172: 265-273. READ MORE
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Baret, S., Nicolini, E., Le Bourgeois, T., & Strasberg, D. (2003). Developmental patterns of the invasive bramble (Rubus alceifolius poiret, rosaceae) in Reunion Island: an architectural and morphometric analysis. Annals of Botany, 91: 39-48. READ MORE
Baret, S., Radjassegarane, S., Le Bourgeois, T., & Strasberg, D. (2005). Does the growth rate of different reproductive modes of an introduced plant cause invasiveness? International Journal of Botany, 1: 5-11. READ MORE
Baret, S. & Le Bourgeois, T. (2004). Case study : Rubus alceifolius. In Case studies on the Status of Invasive Woody Plant Species in the Western Indian Ocean – 4. Réunion (eds C. kueffer & C. Lavergne), Vol. 4, pp. 19-22. FAO, Rome, Italy. READ MORE
Baret, S. (2002). Mécanismes d’invasion de Rubus alceifolius à l’île de la Réunion. Interaction entre facteurs écologiques et perturbations naturelles et anthropiques dans la dynamique d’invasion. Thèse de doctorat, Université de la Réunion, Saint Denis, Réunion. 224 p. READ MORE
Baret, S., Cournac, L., Thébaud, C., Edwards, P., Strasberg, D. (2008). Effects of canopy gap size on recruitment and invasion of the non-indigenous Rubus alceifolius in lowland rain forest on Réunion. Journal of Tropical Ecology, 24: 337-345. READ MORE
Baret, S., Le Bourgeois, T., & Strasberg, D. (2005). Would Rubus alceifolius, an intrusive exotic species, progressively colonize the entirety of a humid tropical forest? Journal of Botany-Revue Canadienne de Botanique, 83: 219-226. READ MORE
Baret S., Maurice S., Le Bourgeois T. & Strasberg D. (2004). Altitudinal variation in fertility and vegetative growth in the invasive plant Rubus alceifolius Poiret (Rosaceae), on Réunion Island. Plant Ecol. 172 : 265-73. READ MORE